Starting School Guide

Starting School

We believe very strongly that the Reception aged children should be introduced to school gradually, even if they have been in full time at nursery or pre-school. All children for a short time will attend school part-time. Some children will be ready sooner than others for full-time education. As a general rule most children are ready to attend school full time by the end of September.

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Key Information

Click on the tabs below to read more about each item.

We would really like you to encourage your child to become as independent as possible. When the children start school we hope they can:

  • Dress and undress themselves unaided i.e. 

         – take jumper on and off
         – turn clothes the right side out
         – put shoes on correct feet
         – do up buttons or zips on school clothes

  • Recognise their own clothes, shoes and P.E. bag.
  • Remove outer clothing and hang it on a peg.
  • Use the toilet without supervision, including wiping bottom, knowing that he/she should ask to go whenever necessary, flushing the toilet and washing and drying his/her hands afterwards.
  • Tidy and clear away toys and games.
  • Wipe their nose.
  • Respond to the instructions of an adult.
  • Know and recognise their own name.
  • Use “please” and “thank you” appropriately.
  • Open their sandwich box and manage their drink container.
  • Use a knife and fork.
  • Listen to a story quietly.

We endeavor to make meal times as happy and relaxed as possible, whilst maintaining a high standard of table manners, Hot lunches are cooked on site by Caterlink.

The Government is funding Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) for all Infant children. Your child will be asked each day whether they would like a hot meal or not, and given a meat, vegetarian or jacket potato/filled baguette option. If your child has a food allergy / intolerance it is vital that you let us know so that their needs can be catered for.

Packed lunches may be brought to school. Please make sure containers are secure and named and that you avoid sending anything in with nuts. There are several children at school with servere nut allergies..

Please telephone or email the school first thing in the morning each day your child is absent from school, or complete the absence notification form on the school website.  If a child does not arrive before 8.50 a.m. a letter is sent from the class teacher to the office who will then make contact with you to find out where your child is.  If your child is sick or has an upset stomach they must remain absent from school for 48 hours since the last bout of sickness.

We encourage all children to be at school during term time.  We do not authorise absence from school for holidays.  At Woodmancote School we believe that good attendance and punctuality are essential for a child to reach their educational potential and enjoy a feeling of belonging to their class and school community.

We do request that you inform us of any absences due to family circumstances. You can find out more about attendance expectations by looking on the school website under policies.

When your child starts school they will be allocated a ‘House’ to belong to for the next seven years.  There are various House events throughout the year and children are encouraged to participate as much as possible.  Recent events have included a baking competition, talent show, art competition and various sports matches, including sports day in the summer term.

Our houses are Leckhampton (red), Nottingham (yellow), Malvern (blue) and Cleeve (green)

The school is not obliged to administer medicine, but we do recognise that asking parents to come to school to administer a prescribed dose is not always realistic. If you need to request your child’s class teacher to administer medicine (prescribed only) during the school day, please ask the office for a medicine administration form which you will need to fill in.

Named items are returned to the child.  Un-named items are collected and taken to the lost property box.  Please ask if you are unable to find missing articles. Please name EVERYTHING!

We use Parentpay for the payment of school trips etc. You will receive login details once your child has started school. You need to register your child using these login details. If your child has been attending Little Chestnuts this new login in replaces any previous. Little Chestnuts login.

Through the National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme all Infant children are given the opportunity to have a piece of fruit each day. This may be a carrot, an apple, a banana, a satsuma or a few tomatoes. We will encourage children to eat the fruit or vegetable available each day, but will obviously not force them to. If you would prefer to send your child with a piece of fruit or vegetable, then please do so. No other form of snack is permitted at break time. 

Milk can be ordered through Cool Milk, via their website.

The school day starts at 8.45am, with doors open from 8.40am.

Most children have a positive attitude towards coming into school and leave their parents happily.  If, however, your child is upset, it is best to leave as quickly as possible once they are with their teacher.  Prolonged goodbyes can be even more upsetting.  Upset children tend to settle happily after a few minutes of joining in with the class routine.  A phone call when you get home may help reassure you if you are especially worried.

Pick up and drop off is from the outside door of the reception classrooms.

Woodmancote School Uniform

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • White shirt, blouse or polo top
  • Bottle green sweat shirt, jumper or cardigan with the school logo on
  • Green and white summer dress
  • White/grey socks or grey tights
  • Black/Dark shoes
  • Hair is expected to be tied up with a plain hairband or bobble

P.E. Kit

  • House Colour T-shirt with school logo on
  • Black Shorts
  • Trainers

Outdoor Learning

We believe in using the outdoors to aid learning. The aim is for the work to be child-led and to provide children with an appreciation of the natural world.  Once a week children have the opportunity to work outside.  Waterproofs and an extra change of clothes are needed for this activity. 

Each week children will need a bag containing the following:

  • Long sleeved Shirt
  • Long trousers (tracksuit type)
  • Fleece/jumper
  • Waterproof coat
  • Waterproof trousers (if possible)
  • Wellington Boots (in a separate carrier bag)
  • Warm coat and gloves when the weather starts to get cold

These should be suitable for getting dirty! Long sleeves/trousers are always required to stop scratches or stings and in the summer, sunburn. We want the children to feel able to get ‘stuck in’ and not be worrying about their clothing. We will help with changing if it is needed.

CHECK LIST: Please bring to school

  • Book Bag (named) – your child will be provided with a clear plastic wallet. If you wish, green book bags with a carry handle can be ordered. No rucksacks please as we do not have room for them.
  • P.E. Bags – each child needs a named draw string bag for
  • P.E. kit. It should contain:-
    • T-shirt
    • Black shorts
    • Trainers, all named
  • Painting overall – Bought plastic apron or an old shirt, worn back to front. Fit a Velcro fastening, shorten sleeves and thread elastic at the wrists.
  • Lunch box and drink (named) – even if your child has a school dinner you might like to provide a drink for playtime. You might also want to send in a drink of water each day, to which your child will have free access.
  • Spare clothes – in case of an accident please provide a spare pair of pants, socks, trousers/or skirt in a small named bag which can be kept on your child’s peg.
  • Please label all items clearly with your child’s name, even down to shoes and socks!