
The Governors’ Roles

The school has an active Governing Body which is comprised of staff, parents, Local Authority and co-opted representatives. The governors have three main roles – Strategic planning, Monitoring and Finances.

A full list of the current members of the governing body, including their terms of office, committee memberships and declarations of interest can be viewed from the links below.

See details about the 2023-24 Roles and Responsibilities for Governors.

View the list of Woodmancote School Governors.

See a summary of our Governing Body Diversity Data (containing information provided to date on a voluntary basis by members of the governing body).

View Full Governor Body Meeting Attendance Figures.

View Governor Committee Meeting Attendance Figures.

Strategic Planning

We plan with the staff leadership team for the strategic development and improvement of the school, not only in physical terms with regard to the development of the site and facilities, but also in terms of the development of school ethos and the curriculum.


We support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school. This is sometimes referred to as the role of a ‘critical friend’, not in terms of negative criticism but rather in terms of asking clear and useful questions about the way things are done and the reasons for them being done that way. This also involves setting the policy framework for the school and monitoring the implementation of policies as managed and carried out by the Headteacher and staff as well as holding the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education provided.


We hold the school to account for the handling of its finances, which includes both planning for long term spending and setting and monitoring the annual budget and funds.

In order to carry out these roles effectively we meet monthly as a full governing body and additionally as working parties where necessary.