Growing Hope Project

We have had a great start to our Growing Hope project and have managed to achieve quite a lot in our three sessions so far. The children have been fantastic and we have had a lot of fun and laughter! We have dug out the first few sections of our garden, planted spring bulbs and planted some flowers and plants that were generously donated by some of our parents. We have built two of our three raised beds and planted onions and chives. We also have tubs of black bamboo that were donated to us, which we are very much looking forward to watching grow.

We are extremely lucky to have the very talented Ms Steer working on the project too. She has been documenting our sessions through her beautiful drawings, which will be an amazing record of our Growing Hope journey.

Thank you so much for all of the donations of tools, plants and money that you have donated so far, we really appreciate your generosity and it will help us to be able to continue the project all year. We still desperately need compost though so if you have any spare, please think of us!

We are very much looking forward to continuing to develop our garden with our wonderful group of children, further over the next few months.