Meet The Staff

Woodmancote School is fortunate to have a variety of staff with a range of experience in both Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education. We have a healthy mix of male and female staff in both Key Stage 1 and 2, who work hard to engage children of all abilities.

The teachers and teaching assistants, ably supported by our administrative staff, are here to give every child the best possible start to their primary education.

No school employee has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Senior Leaders

Mr Tucker


Mrs Badham

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Williams

School Business Manager

Mr Evans

School Improvement Team

Mrs Baxter

School Improvement Team

Mrs McCormack

School Improvement Team and SENCO


Mrs Badham

Mr Evans

Mrs Holding

Mrs Workman

Mr Guest

Mrs White

Mrs Howard

Mr Ridal

Miss Carter

Mrs Jordan

Mr Adkin

Mrs Grosvenor

Mrs Pearman

Mrs McCormack

Mrs Baxter

Mrs McNamee

NEST Lead Practitioner & Play Therapist

Mrs Dodwell

Miss Cowan

Miss Niblett

Mr Wood

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Burrows

Mrs Lee

Mrs Lockey

Mrs Banfield-Williams

Mrs Strangwood

Mrs King

Mrs Hannaford-George

Mrs McDonald

School Improvement Team

Mrs Chiuian

Mrs Meadows

Mrs Minett

Mrs Gamblin

Miss Blakemore

Mrs Coltman

Miss Amos

Miss Steer

Mrs Graham

Mrs McCarthy

Office Team

Mrs Williams

Mrs Holder

Family Support Worker

Mrs Lombard

Mrs Banfield-Williams

Mrs Tarff

SENCO Administrator