Woodmancote School’s 50th Anniversary

Woodmancote School opened on January 8th 1974 and to mark the 50th Anniversary, the school threw its doors open and invited past and present parents, children and staff to two events that sought to mark 50 years of the life of this wonderful community.

The 12th June began with an array of costumes and outfits from the last 50 years! What an amazing sight was seen walking along Britannia Way and Station Road to school at 8.30am. We had celebrities such as Freddie Mercury, John Lennon and Madonna, walking alongside children and staff dressed in what was deemed fashionable over the last 5 decades!


Some children even came along with Bake Off entries as part of the House Baking Competition. Our 50th Birthday celebration cake competition was a huge success. Thanks go to the judges Anne Nixson and Gillian Bull from Woodmancote WI.

The children spent the afternoon celebrating through Dance, Art and Music, with several hundred parents, grandparents and carers joining the children for an afternoon that took everyone back to 1974. The weather was fine and the children performed with real enthusiasm, culminating in a whole school celebration of ABBA’S Waterloo.


The evening saw an opportunity for parents to look through photos and artefacts, collated from the last 50 years. A big thank you to those parents who helped scan so many of the original photos, especially from the 70s and 80s.  The evening was a great success and saw several ex members of staff and ex pupils relive their time here at Woodmancote.

A thank you also to the fantastic team here at school, without whom these celebrations would not have come together. They really are an amazing group of people to work with. It is thanks to them and the staff who were here before them, that the school is the success it is today.

To read Mr Tuckers full speech full of interesting facts about Woodmancote School and it’s history please click here