Cheltenham Literature Festival

Cheltenham Literature Festival  

Last term, Years 1-6 visited a range of different authors and illustrators at Cheltenham Literature Festival. We were so impressed by the children’s behaviour and they represented the school impeccably.

Year 1 and 2 – Nick Sharratt 

Year 1 and 2 were taken on a trip to the “Super Silly Museum” and learnt how to draw camels, Mr Pope and a POOdle.  

Year 3 – Nadia Shireen 

Year 3 watched the amazing Nadia Shireen talk about her amazing book: ‘Grimwood’ Afterwards, they visited the story teller tent and were treated to Mr Wood’s impressive acting. 

Year 4 and 5 – Jenny McLoughlin 

Year 4 and 5 were introduced to Jenny’s amazing dragons and the campy bed that inspired her book: ‘The Land of Roar” Year 5 enjoyed being able to ask Jenny questions about their key text from last year. 

Year 6 – Emma Carroll 

Year 6 enjoyed listening to Emma talk about her book “Letters from the Lighthouse” which will be their key text in Term 5 and 6.