Vision and Ethos


Our Vision is to remain and develop as a community based school where your child can achieve the very best they can both academically and personally, and where they can begin to understand their place in their community and the wider world.

Academic Excellence

Academic excellence and high grades for your child are always a priority to us, but equally as important is their wider experience as a developing young person.

We will ensure that your child leaves us as confident, inspired and secure in who they are, and with as great an understanding of themselves and others around them as possible.

Global Citizens

As part of our values, your child will be encouraged to see themselves as part of a national and international community and not just a local one. We have a key role to play in ensuring your child has the foundations to develop into a global citizen.

At a time of immense change, we want our pupils to be tolerant, empathetic and understanding of others. To understand and feel they belong in our school, their community and where they fit in the wider world.

Community Distinctiveness

Keeping and developing our community distinctiveness is an important priority for us, especially as we continue developing to meet the needs of your community and your child.

Our Woodpeckers breakfast and after school clubs always prove practical and valuable to parents and to children. ‘Little Chestnuts’ is our pre-school facility in a new purpose built facility with dedicated and expert staff.